Bob's Spanish Page for 8th graders


Wednesday: Play Spanish games below to learn better vocabulary


Spanish Word: English Definition:


Fill in English/Spanish Vocabulary:

After you play all the games, CLICK HERE to vote on your favorite

Wednesday Continued: After you have completed the above games and voted for your favorite, Practice the following English to Spanish phrases. Learn the meaning of each word in the Phrase:
Use Google Translator to hear how the Phrases are spoken in Spanish.

Google Translator:  You can hear these on Google Translator
Practice them. 


I think you are a very nice person.  Creo que eres una persona muy agradable

What is your name? �Cu�l es su nombre?

Can I have a drink of water?  �Puedo tomar una copa de agua?

Have you read any good books?  �Has le�do buenos libros?

My name is Bob Gill.   Mi nombre es Bob Gill

I am 14 years old.   Tengo 14 a�os de edad.

I have 2 brothers and one sister.   Tengo 2 hermanos y una hermana.

My favorite food is ribeye steak.  Mi comida favorita es bistec de chulet�n.

What is your favorite movie?   �Cu�l es tu pel�cula favorita?

My favorite hobies are fishing and golfing.​  Mis aficiones favoritas son la pesca y el golf.


THURSDAY: I am bringing a video camera to record your translations from
                     English to Spanish~! 
                     LET'S have fun with this project!!